Planning ahead is a great thing for saving money. And it doesn't always take a lot of time. Before you think you have to sit down and plan your life for the next 10 years, do some planning like I do. I'm going to grow a garden this year and I know I'll want to preserve some of it by canning. (dilled green beans anyone?) But I don't have a lot of jars. 2, to be exact. Since I'm planning ahead though, this is what I'll do. Rather than going out to buy a bunch of canning jars, I'll do this. I go to the store and think, 'I'll make spaghetti tonight'. Rather than purchasing the cheapest decent sauce in a can, I peruse the ones in glass jars. (I could be making my own sauce, which I've done, but I'm lazy today) Hmmm, Classico and a few other brands come in nice glass jars that are made for canning. So, I pick the one that is on sale that week and viola! I have spaghetti sauce for dinner AND a nice glass jar to clean out and use to can. Two birds with one stone! And it took hardly any planning on my part. My only advice is to buy the ones with jars that look like canning jars. The other ones may be harder to find lids for.